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Tuning Infrastructure
New conceptual project for liquid music 15 “Unser Projektentwurf trägt den Titel Tuning Infrastructure. Anders als die bisherigen Arbeiten im Rahmen von Stadtmusik beschränkt sich das Projekt nicht auf Repräsentation, sondern nimmt sich die aktive Veränderung einer architektonischen Situation zum Ziel. Thema ist der Einfluss von meist fix verorteten Maschinen — Ventilatoren, Klimaanlagen … —…
Interview with John Cage, by Gyorgy Kepes
From the Seminar on Urban Form, 1954, MIT Kevin Lynch archives: “Kepes: If you could articulate the existing city sound patterns, what would you do, what would be your needs to be satisfied? With purposeful organization of city sounds, we could enrich the experience of the city. Cage: My feeling is that this is already…
Bibliography on Noise Pollution
Discard studies has an interesting bibliography of noise pollution If waste is, broadly defined, the externalities of social and technical systems, then noise is a quintessential form of waste. Noise pollution is disturbing or excessive sound that may harm humans or animals, and, not surprisingly, it usually emits from industrial technologies.
Full-length Stadtmusik Films on Vimeo
Our Vimeo Channel features now full-length versions of many stadtmusik films.
Urban Configuration and the Soundscape
A previously unpublished text by Stadtmusik members Dietmar Offenhuber and Sam Auinger on the relationship between urban configuration and the soundscape. The morphology of the urban environment and its experience is a topic with many facets, and urban planners and designers developed a rich palette of methods for describing the structural qualities of urban space.…
Beyond decibels
Trevor Cox in the New Scientist: “One problem with decibel measurement is that it does not differentiate between “negative” and “positive” sounds. Take the sounds made by a fountain in a town square, happy children in a playground or the cheerful toot of the Manchester tram – any one of which might exceed permitted sound…
Spatial Processing of Urban Acoustic Wave Fields
The military is currently developing models for calculating scattering in urban sound propagation: “Future US Army ground sensors in urban terrain will process acoustic signals to detect, classify, and locate sources of interest. Optimal processing will require understanding of the effects of the urban infrastructure on sound propagation. These include multi-path phenomena that will complicate…
sensory notation – Michael Southsworth
A student of Kevin Lynch and Professor of Urban Studies at UC Berkeley, Michael Southsworth created experience maps of 1960 Boston’s sonic environment. Unlike Schafer, Southworth did not try to describe characteristic sounds for an urban place, but was mainly interested in the strength of the relationship between soundscape and place. This links back to…